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    ещё кто-то ползает по телу, появились прыщи они лопаются и чешутся. Врачи разучились лечить, прописывают шампуни, но ...Что случилось с в...
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  • Сергей Дроздов
    ну бред полнейшийПочему невесткам ...

Девушка не моет голову два года ради красоты волос

Как правильно ухаживать за волосами, чтобы они были шелковистыми и блестящими? Не мыть их, решила молодая финка Ирис Хайккинен. Она побила своеобразный рекорд, не используя шампунь уже два года.

24-летняя Ирис призналась, что пошла на этот шаг — отказ от мытья волос — из-за перхоти. Ей казалось, что мытье только усугубляет проблему, и потому она вовсе перестала мыть голову.

Ирис убирала жир с волос при помощи растворов яблочного уксуса и пищевой соды. Но потом поняла, что может обходиться только простой водой. Сейчас ее волосы, как она считает, выглядят великолепно и хорошо пахнут.

No shampoo life 🍃 I started washing my hair with only water about a year and eight months ago, and wrote a blog post about my «no poo» experience. To put it shortly, I have no desire to go back to using shampoo. I had a phase when my hair looked greasy, but that was around the time I was in hospital & on sick leave post surgery so it wasn’t a problem. Anyhow, there’s been many positive changes in my hair & scalp like no more itchiness, more curls and it’s growing in a slightly different colour even! I also love how easy and good for the environment no poo life is. It’s all on blog so go read the post if this is something that interests you! Link to my website in bio 👸🏼 • • • • • • #nopoo #noshampoo #iirislinnea #hair #hiukset #natural #luomu #organic #yogi #mindfulness #ibdfi #ibd #colitis #jpouch #nocolonstillrollin #hyvinvointi #terveys #wellness #health #lifestyle

Публикация от Iiris Linnea (@iirislinneawriter)

(Watch till the end to see the whole point of this video — joy ✨) I composed this lullaby as a present for my friend whose surprise babyshower we had last night. I was quite nervous when I was performing — my hands were shaking and my voice was breaking — but that’s not the point. Composing this brought me so much joy. Writing the lyrics brought me so much joy. Giving this as a present to my friend brought me very much joy. The whole party we had yesterday was full of joy! Thanks to being on sick leave I had enough time for doing this; composing a song was something I had wanted to try for years. Overcoming health issues is much smoother when you’re not hiding in a dark cave of depression and negativity but when you’re feeling joyful and light and almost forget you even have any trouble with health. In this society of ours, creativity is often considered as something you only engage with if you’ve got time after all the real work and responsibilities. Getting work done and keeping the society running is important of course, but just as important is your creative life. It is NOT something you put aside until someday you hopefully have time for it. No no. It is your priority. Using your creativity can be a form of meditation. You’re very concentrated on the art at hand while also tapping into your intuition and the internal source of inspiration. Not to mention the satisfaction and joy you may feel after creating something yourself. I don’t know how I could address enough how healing this can be. How important for your well-being. What a great way to get to know your true nature. When was the last time you created something unique? I hope not too long ago 🍃 «Metsänpeikon tuutulaulu» with all my love to @ibuannimanni and the baby 💙 • • • • #creativity #creative #iirislinnea #music #piano #musiikki #art #taide #luova #yogi #meditation #mindfulness #consciousness #consciousliving #health #wellbeing #ibdfi #nocolonstillrollin #jpouch

Публикация от Iiris Linnea (@iirislinneawriter)

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